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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

This video of a father and son helping elderly women in intense heat is priceless.

Heartwarming video: Father, son, helping elderly.

This video of a father and son helping elderly women in intense heat is priceless.

Being kind has no cost. Being kind and helpful to one another is among the best things that humans can accomplish. A father and his son are shown in a recent touching act of kindness helping a few elderly women who are selling flowers on the streets in the sweltering heat. The video has gone viral online. On the Internet, the video has captured viewers' interest.

The father-son team can be seen in the viral video approaching an elderly woman who is sitting on the street and attempting to sell her flowers for money.

The two handed the woman some gifts and an umbrella to shield her from the intense heat as a gesture of charity. The woman smiled at this kind gesture from the two of them.

Later, out of respect, the boy bends down and touches the flower vendor's feet. The old woman was touched by the child's generosity and blessed him, giving him a banana and some cash in exchange.

The father-son team was later shown in the video going through the same routine with a number of other street sellers selling flowers, making their faces happy in the process.

A user by the name of Kashipathiravi posted the video on X and commented, "A unique and a spiritual way of celebrating a birthday." I'm not sure where in Karnataka this is. It appears to be Bengaluru. However, that is. We should honor and bless this father and son team. Share this as widely as you can.

A unique and profound way to commemorate a birthday. I'm not sure where in Karnataka this is. It appears to be Bengaluru. However, that is. We should honor and bless this father and son team. Share this as widely as you can. 🙏🙏🙏— April 21, 2024, Kashipathiravi (@kashipathiravi)

The father and son's kind actions for the flower vendors won praise from many people shortly after the video was posted on X.

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